Funnel Builder Challenge 2024

Learn how to create high-converting automated "sales machines" that will serve as your 24/7 salesperson.

...Even if you have no experience in Marketing, Copywriting, Funnel Building, and all the Tech stuff that comes with connecting it all together.


Have your own sales funnel ready in 7 days without needing a professional funnel builder who would charge you thousands of dollars to build it!

This is an Early Bird Special Price of $39 and is for those who are ACTION TAKERS.

After this challenge is launched to the general public it will be priced at $99

Here's What You'll Learn:

Day 1: Getting started with your free account

  • A quick walkthrough on what we’ll be doing throughout the week and what you’ll be able to achieve as part of this training
  • Connecting your custom domain and business email

Day 2: Getting more leads through your lead generation funnel

  • Introduction to generating leads and the Dos and Don’ts of a successful landing page
  • Picking one of the three approaches to this funnel that suit you best
  • Claiming your templates
  • Setting up the landing page + thank you page
  • Setting up a welcome email to not only deliver the freebie but also introduce your new lead to yourself

Day 3: Generating revenue with your first sales page

  • Creating your high-converting sales page that will convert a portion of your new leads into buyers INSTANTLY
  • Setting it up in a way that it speaks to all three types of buyers - emotional, logical, and fearful
  • Creating a bridge page to have a seamless transition between your landing page (for your freebie) and your first offer
  • Delivering your digital product post-purchase on autopilot

Day 4: Generating MORE revenue with a bump offer

  • Setting up the bump offer and knowing how it will make you more money
  • Setting up the “boring” legal pages that will help you stay on the good side of the social media channels you will be promoting on
  • Setting up your footer to comply with transparency laws

Day 5: MAXIMIZING your revenue with upsells

  • Upsell mastery - maximize your revenue with easy one-click cart upgrades
  • Know what works and what doesn’t on upsell pages, the pricing structure and best practices
  • Figuring out the tech that comes with not only setting up the page but delivering the product

[BONUS] Day 6: Automated Email Follow-up

  • See how one of the most successful marketers in the world does lead nurture with his “Soap opera sequence”.
  • Knowing the reasoning behind every email of the automated sequence
  • Creating your own email sequence

[BONUS] Day 7: Analytics / Generating traffic to your funnels

  • Key metrics behind each funnel and knowing your benchmarks
  • Recognizing weaknesses in your funnel and optimizing it (funnel optimization guide) for maximum efficiency (more leads, more sales).
  • Getting more traffic to your funnel - knowing what marketing channels would work best for YOUR business and getting in front of your potential customers.

All of this stuff can be built out on for free forever! (except for a custom domain and business email which will set you back a few dollars per month)

With Funnel Builder Challenge You Get:

Lifetime access to the 5-day Funnel Building Challenge video training that will take you from A to Z of creating a completely automated sales funnel of your own



Bonus training - funnel analytics and how to know if your funnel is working or not



Bonus training - setting up your lead nurture sequence (including email template copy)



Bonus training - generating traffic for your funnels



Full funnel template - welcome campaign + landing page + bridge page + sales page + upsell page



Funnel Optimization guide - optimizing your funnel for the best results



Best email marketing practices guide - Lessons I have learned from switching over my email marketing to



Any future updates to this challenge



Total Value: $1,579+

Get it at an Early Bird Price of:



The challenge content will be delivered to you in daily content drips: Done-with-you 30-60 minute video trainings with templates, resources, and specific action steps you need to take that day to avoid tech overwhelm.

Here's what my most recent students had to say about the challenge:

"As a recent retiree and newbie too, I found that Edgars' course content was fantastic

It was evenly paced, easy to understand, and simple to action.

I figured out early on, my usual overthinking got me into trouble, which took days to correct.

From those self-inflicted newbie mistakes, I learned to trust the process and follow the training.

Once I did that, I completed the course quicker than I thought I would

Edgars is a straight-up guy, who doesn’t promise you’ll make “overnight riches” like many, rather he shows you a simple way to create a profitable, automated business

All you need to do is add a little “elbow grease”

I highly recommend this training to all newbies and retirees, like me

Overall Rating: 5 Star plus"

Ataera K.

"I found the course easy to follow and learned some great things about the basics of funnel building. If you're new to funnels and need a step-by-step guide then this is the course for you."

Clive K.

It is for those who...

  • Want to learn what a sales funnel actually is and how it will help you have most of your business run on autopilot.
  • Want hands-on training that is done with you with daily 30-90 min instructional videos and templates to guide you from A to Z.
  • Haven’t been successful at selling their own products online and need help with converting their social media followers into leads and leads into customers.
  • Have an idea for an online product but have no idea how to sell it.
  • Want to sell affiliate offers with a shorter version of this funnel or PLR (Private Label Rights) or MRR (Master Resell Rights) trainings as their own. (Being part of this training will grant you a special 50% discount to my 8-in-1 online entrepreneur PLR bundle that I and thousands of others have been selling as our own with success since 2023.)
  • Don’t consider themselves tech-savvy or have zero experience with selling products online.
  • People who need super-detailed instructions on each step of the process.
  • Are running their business solo.
  • Have limited time during the day.
  • Are stressed, overwhelmed and anxious about their dwindling time and financial freedom and want to make their first dollar online.

To make this completely risk-free for you, I’m offering you my

30-Day Money Back Guarantee

If you go through the book…

Apply at least a few of the principles outlined…

And still don’t see ANY results…

Just send me an email and I’ll be more than happy to give you your money back…

No questions asked.